Production machinery service

Production machinery service

NEW KLIMA launches production lines and supervises industrial machines. We deal with their improvement, reviews, service and removal of failures. We extend the service life of devices, ensure their safe and uninterrupted operation and offer production automation in every plant! Contact us!

Production machinery service in Gdańsk and its vicinity with NEW KLIMA

Launching the production line and maintaining production machines require a huge commitment from the contractor to whom you entrust such tasks. Production automation is a complex process that consists of a thorough interview, definition of expectations, expert analysis, sales, commissioning of machines, and then their maintenance and service.

Therefore, if you are looking for experienced specialists who will comprehensively help you with the automation of production in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Tczew and the surrounding area – welcome!

Production machinery service in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Tczew and its vicinity – what do we offer?

We specialize in improving production processes. We deal with:

  • maintenance of production machines,
  • launching production lines,
  • production machinery service.

The offer is directed to each owner of a hall or industrial facility. We help in the development of automation, which in turn translates into increased efficiency and effectiveness of production. Proper commissioning and maintenance of production machines in Gdańsk and its vicinity increases the safety of employees, facilitates the implementation of business plans and reduces expenses.

When is it worth using the service of maintaining production machines in Gdańsk and its vicinity? In fact, always, in every plant and hall where the work of machines is crucial. Especially when they are intensively exploited, older or you see that they generate too much expenditure. Contact us – we will check the operation of the devices and propose optimal solutions!

We operate in Tczew, Gdańsk and Gdynia.

and all of Poland! Contact us today and book an appointment!



+48 503-748-528



+48 513-380-480
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